Update 4th November 2023
Super Saturday saw 2 new British records (subject to ratification). The first was in the final of the air rifle men by Dean Bale with a score of 253.0 and the second in the air rifle women junior qualification by Seren Thorne with a score of 621.8.
Check out Dean setting the new record on our YouTube channel
Another full day of competitions with a switch around of who started early with pistol events in the morning and rifle in the afternoon. Same programme as Friday, but the senior and junior matches switch, meaning the seniors shoot the AirOShoot qualifying competitions and have an individual final, whilst the juniors compete in the Cardiff Grand Prix and have an opportunity to qualify for a pairs final.
In the WSPS competitions for disabled athletes, there was a R4 competition for SH2 athletes in the standing position.
Update 3rd November 2023
What a fabulous Friday it has been, 12 hours of action on the ranges, 42 medals awarded across 12 events.
Air Rifle Men and Junior men had the early start today, with most arriving on the range just after 7am to start to prepare for their competitions. Air Rifle Women and Juniors followed 2 hours later, then it was the turn for the pistol athletes to take to the range. To end the day on the qualification range there was a second opportunity for the SH1 and SH2 classified athletes who had already shot a match each on Thursday to have another chance to win medals.
On completion of the junior AirOShoot qualification matches, the top 8 headed to the Finals range to start battle and see who would win the medals.
There were also finals for the senior class athletes in pairs matches.
To see full results follow this link, WAC23 Friday results
Update 2nd November 2023
The Championships is now underway with the first competitions happening this afternoon in the main hall of the Sport Wales National Centre. Whilst just over half the range was open for free training the rest was set up ready for the Rifle Mixed event for disabled athletes classified as either SH1 or SH2. The SH1 athletes shooting the WSPS R3 prone event and the SH2 athletes shooting the WSPS R5 prone event.
In the R3 match, Craig Welsh and Richie Bray had a real tussle throughout their shoot, ending up on exactly the same score of 624.2. In the end Craig winning the Bronze medal and Richie the Silver, due to Richie scoring 0.2 more in his last 10 shots. Recently crowned World Champion, in the R6 event, Matt Skelhon took the Gold medal with a convincing lead of 11.6 points and a score of 635.8.
R3 Results
R5 Results
Download athletes score cards
Tomorrow will see a full day of competition, with 12 different events and 6 finals. Starting from 08:40.
Tune into our YouTube channel to watch the finals live from the Jubilee Hall in the National Sport Centre and keep an eye on the qualification as they happen on the Megalink Live results service. The results will be updated as soon as possible.
WTSF YouTube Channel
Live Results
Results for Friday
Update 1st November 2023
The main hall in Sport Wales National Centre, Cardiff, has been, in a matter of hours, transformed into a 50 lane fully electronic shooting range. The first events will be the Schools Championships in the morning followed by competitions for disabled athletes shooting their first prone air rifle matches of the championships.
Start lists for the competitions are available, follow these links:
Thursday 2nd November
16:45 Air Rifle R3 & R5
Friday 3rd November
08:40 Air Rifle Men and Junior Men
10:40 Air Rifle Women and Junior Women
12:40 Air Pistol Men and Junior Men
14:40 Air Pistol Women and Junior Women
16:45 Air Rifle R3 & R5
Saturday 4th November
08:40 Air Pistol Men and Junior Men
10:40 Air Pistol Women and Junior Women
12:40 Air Rifle Men and Junior Men
14:40 Air Rifle Women, Junior Women and R4
Sunday 5th November
08:40 Air Rifle Women Open
10:40 Air Rifle Men Open and R4
12:40 Air Pistol Women Open
14:40 Air Pistol Men Open
The Welsh Target Shooting Federation cordially invites you, to participate in the
which will take place from the 2nd until the 5th November 2023.
Qualification stages will be held in the Main Hall and Finals will be held in the Jubilee Hall of the Sport Wales National Centre , Sophia Gardens, Cardiff.
We look forward to welcoming you in Wales.
Best regards
The Organising Committee
Organising Committee
Welsh Target Shooting Federation
Sport Wales National Centre, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff. CF11 9SW
Email: [email protected]
Entries will close Sunday 8th October.
Late entries may be accepted until Sunday 22nd October at an additional cost of £20 per ticket.
The Championships – ISSF 10m Events
Three days of competition with separate Individual Olympic Finals on two days and a mixed team final on one day.
Electronic targets will be used for all Events and the Olympic Finals.
The Open Welsh Championships will be on Sunday in one class, eg. Senior and Junior athletes will compete against each other.
The Confined Welsh Championships will be shot concurrently with the Open Championships.
This is a British Shooting nominated meeting.
Thursday 2nd November – 16:00 to 20:00 – Unofficial training in the Main Hall.
Friday 3rd November through to Sunday 5th November there will be 4 details a day with 50 firing points available per detail.
Relays will comprise the following:
- Air Rifle Women, Junior Women and WSPS SH1 classified Women (R2)
- Air Rifle Men, Junior Men and WSPS SH1 classified Men (R1)
- Air Pistol Women, Junior Women and WSPS SH1 classified Women (P2)
- Air Pistol Men, Junior Men and WSPS SH1 classified Men (P1)
The Championships – WSPS 10m Events
There will be events for SH1 R3 and SH2 R4 and R5.
Relays will comprise the following:
- Thursday 2nd November, Air Rifle Mixed R3 & R5 (Comp 1)
- Friday 3rd November, Air Rifle Mixed R3 & R5 (Comp 2)
- Saturday 4th November, Air Rifle Mixed R4 (Comp 1)
- Sunday 5th November, Air Rifle Mixed R4 (Comp 2)
There will be no finals for the R3, R4 & R5 competitions.
SH1 P1, P2, R1 and R2 events are included in the ISSF Championship Programme.
Event Schedule
WSPS R3 and R5 events.
Junior athletes will compete in the AirOShoot Welsh Qualification. The top 8 in each competition will qualify for an individual final.
Senior athletes will compete in the Cardiff Grand Prix. Medals will be awarded to the top 3 athletes based on their 60 shot match. There is no individual final.
Concurrently, the first 30 shots will count towards the qualification stage of the Mixed Team event. The top 2 mixed teams will qualify for the Gold medal final and the 3rd and 4th placed mixed teams will qualify for the Bronze medal final.
WSPS R3 and R5 events.
Senior athletes will compete in the AirOShoot Welsh Qualification. The top 8 in each competition will qualify for an individual final.
Junior athletes will compete in the Cardiff Grand Prix. Medals will be awarded to the top 3 athletes based on their 60 shot match. There is no individual final.
Concurrently, the first 30 shots will count towards the qualification stage of the Mixed Team event. The top 2 mixed teams will qualify for the Gold medal final and the 3rd and 4th placed mixed teams will qualify for the Bronze medal final.
WSPS R4 event.
All athletes will compete in the Welsh Open Championships. Top 8 athletes regardless whether they are senior or junior will qualify for an individual final.
WSPS R4 event.
Mixed Teams
The Mixed Teams will be determined by random draw. If there is an unequal number of male and female athletes, remaining athletes will be drawn as pairs. If there is an uneven number of athletes the remaining athlete will become a reserve to back fill an athlete that withdraws prior to the start of the detail.
Awards Ceremonies
The awards ceremonies will take place immediately after the end of each Final.
Medals for the Cardiff Grand Prix will be awarded after the Mixed Team finals.
Rules and Regulations
All the events will be conducted according to the current ISSF and WSPS Rules and Regulations as far as is reasonably practicable.
Equipment control will be available. Random checks will be carried out after every qualification event and checks will be carried out prior to all finals.
Disabled athletes must have either an International classification, National classification or a NSRA dispensation relevant to the event they are entering.
Entry Fees and Refunds
Championships ISSF Events
One entry fee of £80.00 will cover entry for all three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and include unofficial training on Thursday. Please note that there is no discount if you shoot only one or two days.
There is no additional fee for the Mixed Team competitions.
Championships WSPS Events
The entry fee for disabled athletes in the R3, R4 & R5 competitions will be £50.00 for each category (2 competitions).
The entry fees include the Eventbrite fees and these fees are non-refundable. If you cancel we will refund 50% of the entry fee. For example; Entry fee £80.00, We will refund to you £40.00. We will pay the Eventbrite fee of £7.38 and retain £32.62. If we cancel the Championships there will be a full refund.
Travel and Accommodation
Cardiff is very accessible with good road, rail and flight connections.
Please look at the Visit Cardiff website for up to date information about the City.
There is currently no official hotels or transport organised for these Championships.
We can assist visitors arrange hotels and airport transfers through our partner “Celtic Travel Services” Make your initial enquiry by emailing [email protected]
Food and Refreshment
There is a restaurant in the Sport Centre on the second floor serving breakfast, lunch and dinner plus snacks and beverages at other times during the day. There is also a take-away café on the ground floor in the reception area. Additionally there are many pubs and restaurants within walking distance of the Sport Centre.
AirOShoot Partner

Welsh Target Shooting is pleased to be a partner with five other European competition organisers which form AirOShoot.
The competitions on Friday (Juniors) and Saturday (Seniors) are qualifying competitions for the AirOShoot Superfinal that will be held in November 2024.
Full details of AirOShoot can be seen on their website AirOShoot