Welsh Shooting needs your help…….
Qualification Wales have published the approval criteria for a new Made-for-Wales GCSE in Physical Education and Health, which will be available for first teaching from September 2026.
60% of this qualification will be assessed through non-examination assessment (NEA) where learners will have to:
- Perform in two sports or physical activities selected from an Approved List
- Provide coaching or personal training to others in a sport or physical activity selected from an Approved List
We here at the WTSF would love to get shooting into the curriculum. We need the shooting network to get involved and respond to the survey and get us on the approved list.
All you need to do is complete this survey – https://haveyoursay.qualifications.wales/approved-list-of-sports-and-physical-activities-survey
Getting shooting into the GCSE curriculum would be a huge win for us and the shooting network.
We are asking all the following to get on board and support us: WTSF Associations / Clubs / Parents / Athletes / Coaches / Cadet forces / Scout Association / Pony Clubs.
For consideration, our sport will be required to show & emphasise the following, supported with referenced data / facts. Such as, we are:
- A fully inclusive sport.
- Olympic and Paralympic.
- Commonwealth Games.
- Latent demand (School Sport Survey)
- Current activity within Scouts / Pony Clubs / Cadets.
The survey will close on the 5th December 2023.
Guidance for completion
Sports are expected to meet all 6 criteria (the survey asks for comments on each of the criteria): Assistance notes in red.
Criteria 1. Demonstrate a range of skills and techniques over a period of time.
Yes, shooting encompasses a full range of skills and techniques, that can be demonstrated throughout an athlete’s career.
Criteria 2. Demonstrate a range of strategies, tactics and/or compositions.
Yes, shooting demonstrates both on an individual basis and in team activities.
Criteria 3. Demonstrate the integral skills of creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, personal effectiveness, and planning and organising.
Yes, shooting can demonstrate – critical thinking, problem solving, personal effectiveness, planning & organising. Shooting has it all!
Criteria 4. Develop their skills and compete safely.
Yes, improving skill levels are core values of the sport. Safety is deeply ingrained and underpins all shooting activities.
Criteria 5. Be assessed within a competitive (or similarly demanding) situation.
Yes – Shooting is a competitive sport and continuous assessment is an integral part of the sport.
Criteria 6. Be assessed by practitioners and moderators accurately and consistently.
Yes – Shooting has exacting levels of achievement, which are fully measured and regularly assessed.