Complaints & Whistle Blowing

Welsh Target Shooting Federation (WTSF) Complaints Statement of Intent:

The WTSF is committed to dealing effectively with any concerns or complaints you may have about our service. We aim to clarify any issues about which you are not sure, and where necessary, we will endeavour to put right any mistakes we may have made. If we get something wrong, we’ll apologise, and do our upmost to put things right. We also aim to learn from any mistakes and use the information we gain to improve our services.

Welsh Target Shooting Federation (WTSF) Whistleblowing Statement of Intent:

The WTSF have established a Whistle Blowing Policy, formulated for use by all appropriate stakeholders, where they may have cause to report any serious concerns about aspects of the WTSF operations.


If you would like to discuss an issue or make a formal intervention under the complaints or Whistleblowing Policies, please contact the WTSF Chairperson as detailed below:

WTSF Chairperson – Mr Martin Watkins

Office Phone: 02920334932

Email: [email protected] neu [email protected]

Complaints Documents:

Ein Partneriaid
