Coronavirus Update – 5th October

Stay In Your Local Area, Contact Your Local Club Or Ground

Much of Wales has recently moved in to local lock-down measures to manage the coronavirus pandemic. The rules state that indoor and outdoor target shooting facilities can remain open for visitors from within their local area.

Some people in Wales travel between counties to take part in target shooing, this is not currently allowed under local lock-down rules. If you are unable to take part in target shooting due to local lock-down rules, we recommend contacting a facility within your county. Clubs and grounds may be able to accommodate a visitor, especially if some of their members are not currently able to attend. Be prepared to show your firearms certificate or prove your existing membership to a prospective club or ground.

WCTSA Reluctantly Cancels All Remaining 2020 Fixtures

The local lock-down rules and fast-moving changes to coronavirus regulations make planning sporting events very difficult. The Welsh Clay Target Shooting Association (WCTSA) has reluctantly taken the decision to cancel their remaining fixtures for 2020. The WTSF regrets the need to make this decision but fully supports the WCTSA in protecting their staff, members, and visitors.

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