Coronavirus Update – Duty of Care for outdoor target shooting facilities
In this update we summarise the important advice recently released by the Welsh Sports Association (WSA) and highlight how this advice applies to outdoor target shooting facilities and their duty of care to visitors and the public. Everyone in Welsh sport has a responsibility to minimise the risk of coronavirus infections and outbreaks. Indoor facilities remain closed and outdoor activities must occur with 2m social distancing of up to 30 people who continue to practice good hygiene and provide contact details.
We strongly recommend that all facility operators read this advice carefully and in full, the WSA document is available here:
Duty Of Care Guidance For Sport During Covid V2 2020 07 28
The general requirements are as follows:
- Coronavirus risk assessments and mitigations by each facility.
- Appoint a Coronavirus Officer for the facility (see below).
- Appoint one Responsible Person for each activity session (see below).
- Social distancing of 2m.
- Good Hygiene practice.
- Upper limit of 30 people.
- Collect and securely store contact information for 21 days (telephone numbers at minimum) for the Test, Trace, and Protect System (TTPS).
- Do not monitor or assess your staff, members’ or visitors’ health. This includes taking temperatures or asking intrusive questions.
- Provide signs that ask people not to enter the premises if they think they may be infectious or have had contact with someone who has got Covid-19.
- Do ask activity session attendees to self-certify that they nor anyone in their household has had coronavirus symptoms in the last 2 weeks (see below).
Coronavirus Officer
A member of the facility or organisation that is responsible for overseeing the Coronavirus risk assessment, mitigations, and complying with guidance and legal processes. This includes oversight of the contact information data collection and storage by Responsible Persons.
Responsible Persons
Each activity at each facility must have a Responsible Person to ensure that government, WTSF, and Coronavirus Officer requirements are adhered to in the session(s) they are responsible for. This includes informing participants of the rules before they attend and keeping a register of attendees (name, telephone number, arrive time, leave time) for the Test, Track, and Protect System.
Suggested wording for activity session self-certification
“I have NOT HAD in the last 2 weeks any of the following Covid-19 symptoms: A continuous high temperature; A loss of taste or smell; A new continuous cough. I also confirm that I have not to the best of my knowledge had contact with anyone else who has had these symptoms or tested positive for Covid-19.”
“I also confirm that I nor any other person in my household or extended household have NOT been told to self-isolate and are not currently subject to Covid-19 quarantine after travel or illness.”
What if there is a Coronavirus incident?
In the event that someone who attended an activity or works at a facility either contracts the virus or shows symptoms, follow the steps below.
- Don’t panic. It may not be Covid-19.
- Tell them to contact the Coronavirus NHS service for help and advice.
- Do not record any details about them as this may be unlawful. Do not spread any gossip. You should inform your organisation’s Coronavirus Officer.
- Coronavirus Officers should contact the Coronavirus 111 service for advice if they are unsure.
- Notify the NGB Coronavirus Officer of the situation but do not disclose any known details of any individual.
- DO NOT contact other people who may have been at the session. You are not allowed to do this lawfully, let the TTPS do their job.
- Seek advice from your Coronavirus Officer about extra cleaning that may be required.
Training Webinars
The WSA are hosting awareness training courses, as a WSA member, Welsh target shooting persons can access the discounted price of £2 per person.