ISSF National Jury Course – Rifle and Pistol

21/09/2024 - 22/09/2024

Welsh Shooting in association with British Shooting is pleased to offer ISSF National Jury Course for Rifle and Pistol.

Venue: Jubilee Suite, Sport Wales National Centre, Cardiff

Dates; 21st and 22nd September 2024

Fee: £90

To register please complete your details on the form below. There is a limit of 12 candidates on the course and you will be informed if your registration has been successful by email. Please do not book travel or accommodation until you have received confirmation.

The course tutor will be David Goodfellow.

After completing the course and successfully passing the examination you will be invited to apply for a National classification Licence from British Shooting at a cost of £25.This qualifies you to be an official at competitions within Great Britain and is part of the pathway to gaining the ISSF International Licence in the future.

The fee of £90 includes 2 days of tuition, lunch each day and tea / coffee / water throughout each day. Candidates will need to arrange their own accommodation.

Further information will be sent to successfully registered candidates prior to the course.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]


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