Welsh Schools Pistol Championships 2022


Sport Wales National Centre, Cardiff, Main Hall.

Welsh Schools Pistol Championships 2022

The 2022 Welsh Schools Pistol Championships will be held on the 3rd November 2022, in the Main Hall of the Welsh National Sport Centre in Cardiff.

The competition will be shot on electronic targets set up for the Welsh Open Airgun Championships which runs from 3rd to 6th November.

Closing Date for Entries: Monday 24th October 2022

Individual and Team Categories:

Junior – School Year 6, 7 & 8
Intermediate – School Year 9, 10
Senior – School Year 11, 12 & 13

Full details and the entry form are on Eventbrite.

Click YMA to enter.


Due to multiple gun shares we will have 3 details, not 2 as originally planned. The new schedule is available through this link:

Welsh Schools Pistol Championships Schedule

Entry List

The list of entries and who is shooting on each detail is available through this link:

Welsh Schools Pistol Championships Entries

Start List

The start list shows the firing point you are on and the time your competition starts. The call to the line time is ten minutes before the published start time.

Detail 1 start 09:40

Detail 2 start 10:20

Detail 3 start 11:00

Welsh Schools Pistol Championships Start Lists

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